Sunday, August 30, 2009

When Your Life going too smooth, Quick Look in the Rear View Mirror!

Hopefully I'm the only one dumb enough to have done this but, just in case there's another person out there who is as unfortunate as I was? No there couldn't be!
It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon in the mid 80's, the sun was shining. There was a slight breeze, Gorgeous! Where was my mind? Personally I'm wondering at this point if I have one? If I do it was definitely not on my driving! I looked in the rear view mirror all clear. Checked the driver's side mirror nothing! I put the shifter in reverse and had my foot on the brake to disengage the auto lock on the transmission and as I looked in the right side passenger and started to move in reverse my passenger bent over and blocked my view. Yup you guessed it, No Excuses, IT WAS MY FAULT! I hit one of those fancy motorized shopping cart pushers. Thank God the operator was on the far end or I might have injured him! I was so angry at myself! There can be no excuses! If you're behind the the wheel, you're the operator of the vehicle. When you back up and hit something or someone it's your fault. Fortunately there was no damage to the machine and I do have an important option. I'm going to swallow my pride and take a driver's refresher class! My pride may not survive but my passengers, other drivers, and the pedestrians around me will.!!!

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