Monday, July 20, 2009

"No doesn't necessarily mean no!"

It happens all the time! We hear the word "No". It's even one of the first words we learn as children. No! You can't have any candy. You'll spoil your dinner. However no doesn't always mean no! As was mentioned in the previous post I am a writer.
As such one of the first things you get when you contact literary agents is the literary equivalency of the word "No". No we are not interested in your literary work! I received a rejection letter just the other day! If you can't take rejection there are definitely certain professions you shouldn't go into. Writing, Modeling, Dancing and Sales are just a few of the fields you will definitely hear the word "No".

The funny thing is as any good dancer will tell you, you can go to one cattle call( a term used when dancers gather for auditions) and be rejected because your too tall or short and go to the next and be chosen because you are the perfect size.
Yes skill and talent are all important factors, but there are other factors that can play into the mix that you have little or no control over. The thing to remember is to keep a watchful eye out for honest criticism (when it’s available) and to be sure of your product, talent, ability or whatever applies to the situation. In the next segment find out how you are a lot like the judges on American Idol!

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