You've been running into a brick wall with your problems and your at your wits end! Sound familiar? The purpose of this blog is to make people aware of affordable alternatives to a number of issues, problems, lifestyles, and events in their lives. Are they the only options? Not necessarily but, the attempt of this blog is to provide you with a possible alternate you haven't thought of.The newest answer isn't always the best answer. Example: The Electric Car- Many people think that this is a technology of the future. The one of the first mass marketed electric cars was the "Baker Electric". Also in the seventies the "Citicar" and the "Commutacar " were the hope for a cleaner world. (Pictured here!) 
It is also important to note that there will be notations of intrest with regards to sources of information when available! You will have the ability to offer topical questions so your questions can be addressed by this Blog's readers, and also a comment section to provide readers your opinions as well.
One of the methods of examination of a particular subject is for this blog to play Devil's Advocate! It is important to note that no affiliations will be adhered to!
Example: If you say man was not meant to fly? This blog will offer reasons for flight! This is done for the purpose of examination not to convert you into a frequent flyer.
Lastly, while it is always the goal of this site to be accurate, informative, entertaining , and fun, those who contribute to it are human and therefore falliable. Whenever a mistake is made and discovered, a correction will be posted!
Cleighton McGregor
It is also important to note that there will be notations of intrest with regards to sources of information when available! You will have the ability to offer topical questions so your questions can be addressed by this Blog's readers, and also a comment section to provide readers your opinions as well.
One of the methods of examination of a particular subject is for this blog to play Devil's Advocate! It is important to note that no affiliations will be adhered to!
Example: If you say man was not meant to fly? This blog will offer reasons for flight! This is done for the purpose of examination not to convert you into a frequent flyer.
Lastly, while it is always the goal of this site to be accurate, informative, entertaining , and fun, those who contribute to it are human and therefore falliable. Whenever a mistake is made and discovered, a correction will be posted!
Cleighton McGregor
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