I apologize for not getting on this thing before now, I'm in the process of moving!
I will start up again in November! Have a Happy Halloween!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Forging a new path!
Did anybody catch the new Jay Leno show? It sounds a little like the old bride's saying,"Something borrowed, something blue, something old and something new!"
The Tonight Show was part of the fabric of the American psyche! It started in the fifties with Jack Parr, continued under Johnny Carson, then Jay Leno, and now Conan O'Brien. NBC took a real gamble to open the 10 O'clock slot to try to boost saging ratings. Leno has little to loose. Most of the money he made from the tonight show was socked away in investments and the bank. He lived off of the money he made from his stand up routine. He said himself " I took over the Tonight Show when it was No#1 and turned it over in the in the same spot. If this doesn't work out a couple of years from now if someone asks did you do something after the Tonight Show I'll just say No!" NBC however is in a very different spot. Conan is a very different type of talant. His audience has a completly different taste.
Conan will get a few of the Leno fans but those Leno fans on the whole will choose between their favorite 10 O'clock show wheather it's CSI Miami or whatever and the Leno show! Time will tell if it all works out but, nothing is a sure bet. If it doesn't, it will be NBC that turns Red and then Blue!!!
The Tonight Show was part of the fabric of the American psyche! It started in the fifties with Jack Parr, continued under Johnny Carson, then Jay Leno, and now Conan O'Brien. NBC took a real gamble to open the 10 O'clock slot to try to boost saging ratings. Leno has little to loose. Most of the money he made from the tonight show was socked away in investments and the bank. He lived off of the money he made from his stand up routine. He said himself " I took over the Tonight Show when it was No#1 and turned it over in the in the same spot. If this doesn't work out a couple of years from now if someone asks did you do something after the Tonight Show I'll just say No!" NBC however is in a very different spot. Conan is a very different type of talant. His audience has a completly different taste.
Conan will get a few of the Leno fans but those Leno fans on the whole will choose between their favorite 10 O'clock show wheather it's CSI Miami or whatever and the Leno show! Time will tell if it all works out but, nothing is a sure bet. If it doesn't, it will be NBC that turns Red and then Blue!!!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Huge Marketing Mistake!
Okay, We've all seen advertising that missed the mark right? The most recent example that comes to mind was on the recent commercials for Jay Leno where he holds up a kid's menu and you see a monster eating a child. One that sends me reeling is the Burger King commercial dancing around having a Vanna White moment with the selected sandwich mentioned in the spot. First of all the outfit or costume the King is wearing looks anything but regal. But what really sets me off is the face on the mask is almost Mardigras like. It's more like the head of the devil you see in costume stores. Can you imagine this guy leaping and hopping up to a three year old kid in a stroller? The poor kid would go ballistic!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
When Your Life going too smooth, Quick Look in the Rear View Mirror!
Hopefully I'm the only one dumb enough to have done this but, just in case there's another person out there who is as unfortunate as I was? No there couldn't be!
It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon in the mid 80's, the sun was shining. There was a slight breeze, Gorgeous! Where was my mind? Personally I'm wondering at this point if I have one? If I do it was definitely not on my driving! I looked in the rear view mirror all clear. Checked the driver's side mirror nothing! I put the shifter in reverse and had my foot on the brake to disengage the auto lock on the transmission and as I looked in the right side passenger and started to move in reverse my passenger bent over and blocked my view. Yup you guessed it, No Excuses, IT WAS MY FAULT! I hit one of those fancy motorized shopping cart pushers. Thank God the operator was on the far end or I might have injured him! I was so angry at myself! There can be no excuses! If you're behind the the wheel, you're the operator of the vehicle. When you back up and hit something or someone it's your fault. Fortunately there was no damage to the machine and I do have an important option. I'm going to swallow my pride and take a driver's refresher class! My pride may not survive but my passengers, other drivers, and the pedestrians around me will.!!!
It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon in the mid 80's, the sun was shining. There was a slight breeze, Gorgeous! Where was my mind? Personally I'm wondering at this point if I have one? If I do it was definitely not on my driving! I looked in the rear view mirror all clear. Checked the driver's side mirror nothing! I put the shifter in reverse and had my foot on the brake to disengage the auto lock on the transmission and as I looked in the right side passenger and started to move in reverse my passenger bent over and blocked my view. Yup you guessed it, No Excuses, IT WAS MY FAULT! I hit one of those fancy motorized shopping cart pushers. Thank God the operator was on the far end or I might have injured him! I was so angry at myself! There can be no excuses! If you're behind the the wheel, you're the operator of the vehicle. When you back up and hit something or someone it's your fault. Fortunately there was no damage to the machine and I do have an important option. I'm going to swallow my pride and take a driver's refresher class! My pride may not survive but my passengers, other drivers, and the pedestrians around me will.!!!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Keeping your Momentum Up!
Okay you had an idea for a project, you put your heart and soul into it and maybe even substantial time and it ran you into the ground. What now give up? Before you say yes or no stop. What did you learn from the experience? Yes Yes I know nobody supported it? But why? Did the concept seem favorable to them? Did you correctly provide a way for your audience, customers, or target group to give you the input(payments, following, or feedback) you needed to know you were on the right track? Don't be afraid of failure! Wait a minute, don't go away I didn't say acccept failure? Interpret it? Failure is valuable! The Greatest minds in history have used it as a favorable tool.
Edison when he was asked about his failures at the time after inventing the light bulb stated "I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward." Alexander Graham Bell could have ended his experiments on voice transmission over wires when was told he had neither the funding or a working model to demonstrate his idea but he persevered and found that one reed suspended in a liquid would provide the necessary transmission medium and his assistant came when he heard him over the device they were working on "Mr Watson — Come here —I want to see you." Bottom line once you are sure your idea will work and it demonstrates its capabilities clearly stick with it. What happens if you don't? Someone will eventually find your idea, make it work, and they'll grow rich while you spend the rest of your life working at some job you hate!
Edison when he was asked about his failures at the time after inventing the light bulb stated "I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward." Alexander Graham Bell could have ended his experiments on voice transmission over wires when was told he had neither the funding or a working model to demonstrate his idea but he persevered and found that one reed suspended in a liquid would provide the necessary transmission medium and his assistant came when he heard him over the device they were working on "Mr Watson — Come here —I want to see you." Bottom line once you are sure your idea will work and it demonstrates its capabilities clearly stick with it. What happens if you don't? Someone will eventually find your idea, make it work, and they'll grow rich while you spend the rest of your life working at some job you hate!
Friday, August 7, 2009
The Gift of Memories!!!
Its the Gift that truly keeps on giving! Yet for some people they can be a curse. One of the hardest things is knowing the difference between the two. As a gift they bring the joy of long lost moments with cherished loved ones. As a curse they can invade our restful moments with mistakes we made in our past, or conscious decisions our mind won't let us forget! But here's a secret! You can change the one into the other!!!! "NO IT'S NOT EASY!" But it is possible! The path to get there depends on the individuual and the memory. What about you? What's your favorite memory memory? Now for a bit of magic! go to the top of this Blog and you'll see two little squares. By clicking on those two squares you are magically transported from the status of being a run of the mill reader on the sidelines, to that of someone who has the Ultimate superpower and capability of contributing their valuable opinion to the colective consciousness of the World Wide Web! That Power is in your Hands! What will you do?
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Don't Daydream! Show them what you've got!
As stated in the previous post, You should be sure of your talent or work. Is it corect and is headed for the right audience! If you’re a writer for example, did you target your story correctly? It doesn’t matter how well you have written your romance novel, if the agent only deals with historical text, you’re not going to get your book sold by him and you’re wasting his time and yours. Research your field of interest and make sure you have the right person. Also if you have ever seen American Idol, you have seen talented acts, and then there were the acts that got booed off the stage. You knew the judges were going to all say “No” before they did. There was a good reason for this. The acts weren’t that good, or they were just out right bad. If you keep getting told “No” it’s just possible that you might need some work on what you do. There are less painful ways to find out. One thing you can do is seek the advice of qualified people you trust. “Don’t fall into the traps!” If you’re that good as a Writer, Model, Dancer or whatever your chosen field they will pay your way, put you up, have you sign on the dotted line or whatever it takes. One thing is certain; they will not let you walk away without making sure you are in some way represented by them! Yes you love your boyfriend, your mother, your best friend but your guidance counselor, your pastor, your scout master might be better as a choice to get an honest response. You want to find someone who is not emotionally invested in you who can give you an answer without feeling they are betraying you. There is nothing wrong with following your dreams. Just be sure you’re not day dreaming while you’re doing it. Next entry, "Hightech Warfare, is it really the way of the Future?
Monday, July 20, 2009
"No doesn't necessarily mean no!"
It happens all the time! We hear the word "No". It's even one of the first words we learn as children. No! You can't have any candy. You'll spoil your dinner. However no doesn't always mean no! As was mentioned in the previous post I am a writer.
As such one of the first things you get when you contact literary agents is the literary equivalency of the word "No". No we are not interested in your literary work! I received a rejection letter just the other day! If you can't take rejection there are definitely certain professions you shouldn't go into. Writing, Modeling, Dancing and Sales are just a few of the fields you will definitely hear the word "No".
The funny thing is as any good dancer will tell you, you can go to one cattle call( a term used when dancers gather for auditions) and be rejected because your too tall or short and go to the next and be chosen because you are the perfect size.
Yes skill and talent are all important factors, but there are other factors that can play into the mix that you have little or no control over. The thing to remember is to keep a watchful eye out for honest criticism (when it’s available) and to be sure of your product, talent, ability or whatever applies to the situation. In the next segment find out how you are a lot like the judges on American Idol!
As such one of the first things you get when you contact literary agents is the literary equivalency of the word "No". No we are not interested in your literary work! I received a rejection letter just the other day! If you can't take rejection there are definitely certain professions you shouldn't go into. Writing, Modeling, Dancing and Sales are just a few of the fields you will definitely hear the word "No".
The funny thing is as any good dancer will tell you, you can go to one cattle call( a term used when dancers gather for auditions) and be rejected because your too tall or short and go to the next and be chosen because you are the perfect size.
Yes skill and talent are all important factors, but there are other factors that can play into the mix that you have little or no control over. The thing to remember is to keep a watchful eye out for honest criticism (when it’s available) and to be sure of your product, talent, ability or whatever applies to the situation. In the next segment find out how you are a lot like the judges on American Idol!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Tired of running into a brick wall with your problems?
You've been running into a brick wall with your problems and your at your wits end! Sound familiar? The purpose of this blog is to make people aware of affordable alternatives to a number of issues, problems, lifestyles, and events in their lives. Are they the only options? Not necessarily but, the attempt of this blog is to provide you with a possible alternate you haven't thought of.The newest answer isn't always the best answer. Example: The Electric Car- Many people think that this is a technology of the future. The one of the first mass marketed electric cars was the "Baker Electric". Also in the seventies the "Citicar" and the "Commutacar " were the hope for a cleaner world. (Pictured here!) 
It is also important to note that there will be notations of intrest with regards to sources of information when available! You will have the ability to offer topical questions so your questions can be addressed by this Blog's readers, and also a comment section to provide readers your opinions as well.
One of the methods of examination of a particular subject is for this blog to play Devil's Advocate! It is important to note that no affiliations will be adhered to!
Example: If you say man was not meant to fly? This blog will offer reasons for flight! This is done for the purpose of examination not to convert you into a frequent flyer.
Lastly, while it is always the goal of this site to be accurate, informative, entertaining , and fun, those who contribute to it are human and therefore falliable. Whenever a mistake is made and discovered, a correction will be posted!
Cleighton McGregor
It is also important to note that there will be notations of intrest with regards to sources of information when available! You will have the ability to offer topical questions so your questions can be addressed by this Blog's readers, and also a comment section to provide readers your opinions as well.
One of the methods of examination of a particular subject is for this blog to play Devil's Advocate! It is important to note that no affiliations will be adhered to!
Example: If you say man was not meant to fly? This blog will offer reasons for flight! This is done for the purpose of examination not to convert you into a frequent flyer.
Lastly, while it is always the goal of this site to be accurate, informative, entertaining , and fun, those who contribute to it are human and therefore falliable. Whenever a mistake is made and discovered, a correction will be posted!
Cleighton McGregor
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